Thursday, November 20, 2014

October ~ Our 3rd and Final Day Trip of Fall

Sun Valley Golf Course
Our 3rd Day Trip of Fall was a drive down south to this golf course that Richard had heard about. And... Oh my goodness what a beauty! 
We just happened to pick the perfect day to go...
The last warm day of the year. Literally!
When we first got to there it was hazy. I was hoping it would burn off and I would be able to get better pictures later in the day.
This tree was so incredible! It looked like it was on fire!
Some trees had already lost all their leaves ~ 
Fortunately there were many that were fully dressed in beautiful colors!
I don't know what more I can say without being redundant ...

On top of the world...
After being up above it all looking back over the hills...
The path goes through the trees
And then back around on the other side of the lake...
This next hole was way up on top of a hill and there was a group of women playing ahead so I drove up to see where they were...
That is Richard down there to the left at the bottom of the hill.
After the first 9 we took a little break and I saw this on top of the club house ~ 
Back out on the course, the back 9... Hole 10 ~ 
I love this ... a heart on the marker :o)   
I couldn't resist this shot... 

I just may have to frame this one ~
The golfer with that view behind him
And... of course we found flowers! 

It really looks like he is on top of the world here...

Richard told me I had to see this view
which meant I had to get out of the cart and walk to the center of the
tee block at the top ... he was right 
... the rolling greens, the colorful trees... just amazing!
And then I saw this ~ 
We have no idea what it is exactly but who cares... it is just cool!
So... while I was loving this day and taking way too many photos...
I heard something wonderful...

Tooshie alert! 
That's all I saw of the howling hounds on the course... :o)
Ahhh... another bench to add to my collection!
And this appears to be
an Antique Combine-type of harvest equipment...
This is Hole 17... We are soaking up the warmth and the beauty~

 This is the last hole (18) and I am loving the sunlight on the plants, the trees, all the colors...

Last view of the course... final putt of the day,
I may just have to frame this one too
Ahhhh.... that was a lovely day!
I'm so glad we saved this one for last.
The weather has turned very cold and it is hunting season now so our Golfing Day Trips
are over for this year.
I don't know what we will do next.
To see more of the photos from this trip go to
Patty Hagedorn Photography on Facebook
Thank you for reading my blogs and coming along on our "trips".
I hope you enjoy the photos and will keep following us.

Friday, November 14, 2014

October ~ Day Trip No.2 ~ Fall!

~ October ~
I didn't know that Fall was going to come and go in just a few weeks... But that's exactly what happened. The weather changed so quickly the trees started to turn very early in September and then it warmed back up for a week and THEN it dived down into the FREEZING range and that was the end of Fall. So, as it turned out, the month of October was Fall! 
Our second Day Trip was back up to Macomb, IL to find that "other" golf course.
We had lunch in Macomb and I took this picture of the neighborhood.
Then we found the Gold Hills Golf Course. If you've been following my blogs you know what I am referring to. We were headed to this golf course one day this Summer but got "Detoured" and never made it. I'm so glad it worked out that way because this was the perfect place for a Day Trip in October.
I have noticed that there is a Memorial Bench in honor of someone special at all the golf courses we have been to. This one is for a woman and I think it is appropriately one of the prettiest. I am going to have to put together an album of Memorial Benches.
Hole No. 1 ...
The clouds were ominous and the wind was chilly but the sun kept peaking through and the trees were beautiful.
Hey there is a "Wooly Worm" on the green...
I call them Fuzzy Caterpillars but here they call them Wooly Worms...
This is one of those bi-colored ones everyone talks about...
Brown in the middle, black head and tail, supposedly this tells us what kind of winter we will have but nobody seems to know exactly.
The sun came out so I could take some photos...
A squirrel to my left and geese to my right...
I read a review on this course and the guy was really negative complaining about the geese,
but how can anyone be a goose-hater?
And these trees... Oh my!
I feel like I just couldn't get the photos that would do justice to these beautiful trees.
Love this scene ~
The geese were cordial and not the least bit rude to us.

I love the leaves on the water behind the geese ~
Richard liked playing this course and I loved the trees and the geese.

At the last hole...

So we saw (and he played) another awesome golf course in Illinois.
It was beautiful in October in it's Fall foliage. I loved it.
Now, we are going back to one of our favorite wineries for a bottle of our favorite wine...
The Village Vineyard & Winery at Camp Point ...
 We came around the corner and we both were in awe of this ...
 This is the town of Camp Point and the winery is just off this street.
We tried a couple of different wines and I had a glass of the Opera House Red...
As we were leaving I wanted to get a photo of the Opera House ~
As always, the drive provided some awesome scenes...
The clouds, the sunset, the fields of corn...
The end of our Day Trip No. 2 in October.
I hope you enjoyed it.
To see all the photos I took go to my Facebook page

Our 3rd Day Trip in October was to the Sun Valley Golf Course in Illinois
and it was the most beautiful!
I'm working on that blog next.

Patty Hagedorn Photography