Friday, September 12, 2014

The "Detour"

Sometimes the "Detour" takes you on an unexpected journey that turns out to be better than what you had planned. 
When we leave the house for a day trip or "field trip" we usually have a "half-plan" with an idea of where we are headed but not totally laid out with room for flexibility and spontaneity. 
It's always an adventure. 
A few weeks ago we were headed to a golf course we haven't been to yet and were not even sure was still there, but along the way there was a Detour that took us on a road we had never been on before. We enjoyed this "back way" so much we were happy to have had the Detour. I took a few photos but since we didn't know where we were going I wasn't prepared to take many. 
We drove through a tiny town, or "Village" named Basco, IL Population 98.

A couple of weeks later we decided to go back and take that road again...

This time we knew the way and were able to really take in the scenes.
I was able to take several photos. 
We could only stop for me to take a couple so most of them were taken as we were driving by. 
I tried twice to get a decent shot of this house as we drove by. It looks like a dollhouse to me. In fact, it looks like a dollhouse my daughter had once. I didn't think there were really houses like that anymore.
And this barn...
I love this tall, skinny barn. 
You can see right through the window to the building behind it. 
And this barn...
 Almost completely covered in ivy.
I love scenes like this...
The windmill, the old barn, the new truck and boat and trailer.
One thing I have noticed out here is that they don't demolish and remove old structures.
They just build newer ones next to the old ones.
So you often see 2-3 barns on one farm from different generations.
Like this...
You can see the somewhat newer barn behind this one that is falling down.
And Silos...
I love the old brick ones, they look like Castle Turrets
This is a very typical scene...
Old and new together.
And ~

Of course I have to put in a picture of a beautiful old truck!
We were intrigued by this roof
--- ???
We also went through the town or Village of Bowen, IL Population 535
So... that is just about the end of our "Detour"
 The sun is starting to set...
Richard decided to take another back road that I have not been on before
And there was a hang glider over a farm in the setting sun light
 We continued on the back roads and when we were almost home we came around the corner and saw this ~
 I had put my camera down because the sun was almost gone but we stopped and I was able to capture this buck in the cut corn field silhouetted against the sunset.

I took one last photo of the setting sun behind the farm as we turned the last corner toward home.
It was a memorable day that started out with a "Detour" and ended with a beautiful buck posing for me just around the corner from home.
I hope you enjoyed this day trip.
Our next trip took us along the Mississippi River up to Nauvoo. Complete with unbelievable waterlilies, beautiful old vehicles, and the BEST DINNER!
Patty Hagedorn Photography

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