Thursday, August 21, 2014

Barry, Illinois... Population 1400

 It was one of those days when we thought if we head in one direction we may just miss the rain. There is a golf course in Barry and a winery so "let's go there"...
This is the road to Barry. They call it the Barry Black Top. 
I asked why and the answer didn't make sense to me so I'm just accepting that I am from California and some things out here just don't make sense to me. 
It is a nice drive through the country side.
We passed a giant field of sunflowers. Richard said we would stop to take pics on the way back. 
When we got to the golf course it started to rain!
It only rained for a few minutes then it stopped and it felt like the raindrops were just hanging in the air. It was the most humidity I have felt yet. 
Richard didn't like the course much. It was not one of our favorites.
But I took pictures anyway... of course.

This intrigued me... A brick cart path.
I think they should paint it yellow... "follow the yellow brick road :) "

This building also intrigued and amused me... 
Was it an old brick building first and then they added on a different top with siding and closed up some of the windows with other blocks? 
Was it once a barn? 
It looks like several different structures put together into one hodge-podge building.
It looks like this tree is mirroring the curves in the brick path

I love that there are benches 
but I have never seen anyone sitting on one
 This marker looks like a happy person in a field of flowers
 I love flowers of all kinds. The flowers in the Midwest are very different.
I love that this looks like a purple fluffy golf ball
And though he didn't really like the course he did get to play 
and every time he gets to play is a really good thing.
Yep... that is an apple tree! :-I
I thought this was a nice photo op ~
And look at how I got the ball in the shot : ) 

A nice scene... makes for a pretty picture 
If you look real close you can see the ball
A few feet from the flag, which is in the left third of the green.
At the last hole and the rain started to really come down
Perfect timing as we packed up 
and went to get lunch before checking out the winery.
Which was nothing special.
It didn't look like a business. There were no cars. 
There were exactly 5 grape vines.
But the sign in the window said OPEN so we went in.
I can honestly say I have tried all kinds of wines now.
They were ... 
The only one we liked enough to bring home was 
Red Rooster 
I guess this is their mascot... lol

Well... Like I said ~ 
Not all wineries are good.
We headed back toward home and took the time to get some more country photos
 The road from Barry back home... fields of corn and soybeans.

We saw this doe at the back edge of a soybean field and we stopped. 
She posed for us :) don't ya love it?

And then Richard saw this tiny bunny in the grass on the side of the road.
He slowed way down so I could get a picture without spooking it.
It was soooo tiny
It would fit in my hand.

And this is the "Sea of Sunflowers"
 I couldn't imagine so many Sunflowers
It was incredible!
And that was our day trip to Barry.
Where will we go next?

Patty Hagedorn Photogaphy

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