Friday, May 2, 2014

Mushrooms, Deer, Owls...

Mushroom Hunting... It is a real thing!

 First we drove way out in the country to a State Park and deep into the woods. There were vehicles parked along the road where other people were "hunting" mushrooms. We went to a place where there is a trail in an area that is flat for me since my knee is not up to "hiking" much. 

And off into the woods we go... 
While we were "hunting" for something I had never seen before I was taking pictures of other things that excited me...
Like this... I have no idea what it is but I love it.

And this looks like petals that open up and praying hands come out.

Super teeny tiny little white flowers blossoming on the top of these leaves.

It looks like a 4-leaf clover with heart-shaped leaves growing out of a log.

My sweetie brought me purple flowers :)

And then I saw one... .
That squiggly cork looking thing is a Morel Mushroom! That's it! That's what we were hunting for!
We kept looking for more. They were not easy to see and there were not alot of them.
So I kept taking pictures...

I just love how this tiny little flower grew right up through all of this... 
where there's a will there's a way!

Then Richard showed me a "Tree Rub"...
This tree was "rubbed" by a deer marking it's territory and cleaning it's antlers. They do this in the fall so this was from last year. Richard said this was from a very big deer.

These black fungi of some kind looked both ominous and beautiful to me...

And there were these amazing little things...

We found a few more mushrooms... Not alot, but enough for us. We heard an owl but didn't see it. So we headed home. 
Richard told me to keep a look out for deer and other wildlife on the road. 
He stopped when he saw this glorious purple tree. It was so bright.
And then...

Suddenly there were 2 deer in front of us...

One turned around and started to come back so I quickly took another photo but he changed his mind and followed the other one. The picture is blurry but so cute.

We did see an OWL on the way home. Sitting on the top of a post on the highway! I was so shocked. I have never seen an owl out in the open in daylight. We stopped and backed up but it flew off before I could get a photo. 

And THAT was my experience Mushroom Hunting :) 

To see more photos and order prints go to
Patty Hagedorn Photography
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