This is the first site of Durham, North Carolina on the Hwy coming in from Burlington.
We made plans to meet at Parker & Otis for brunch, a dog-friendly place I found on Bring Fido.
When we got into town Awbri took an interest in the architecture :-)
Durham is an old Tobacco town. The architecture is all from the tobacco production era.
All the old tobacco buildings have been turned into something new, like little shops or markets or even a campus.
This building looks like a fortress...
This is where Parker & Otis is... on the second level...
We made it! All 4 of us together again...and Buddy & Awbri.
This place is awesome so we came back a couple of times. I believe Otis is Parker's dog :-)
Next to it is Brightleaf Square... so we walked through.
There are plenty of places to sit and take a break, enjoy the flowers, get a beverage...
I was happily able to sit in the shade and take pictures.
Our next destination... Duke Gardens.
How pretty is this?
This "castle" looking structure is actually Duke University...
Now I have to mention the parking again. There is a new system in North Carolina. The parking lots do not have booths but they are monitored by parking patrol. There is a pay-station, you have to remember the number of your parking space and put money into the slot for the designated space. So have dollar bills with you. And they are rated per hour usually so you want to pay for more than the amount of time you think you will be there. If you go over the time you WILL be ticketed!
Yes, those Elephant Ears are black! If you are a nature, garden, flower lover... this place is beautiful and peaceful.
It is not wheelchair friendly though. The paths are not smooth.
There are plenty of benches for resting in the shade so you can take it slow and walk as much or as little as you want.
But bring water.
This tree looked like it had giraffe skin.
It was a very hot day so we spent a lot of time sitting in the shade drinking water :-) ...
I'm so glad I have the zoom lens on my camera so I can take pictures like this from a bench in the shade.
We bring a collapsible bowl for our pups and water bottles.
Awbri practiced her "pointing" skills... she saw a Robin in the bushes.
These lilies were towering over us. They were 7-8 feet tall.
This is a frog habitat... didn't see any frogs though.
A Swallow Tail Butterfly
A Hummingbird Hawk Moth!!! I've only seen 3 in my life :-) I'm so happy I got this shot.
This is called Pineapple Lily...
Ready to go someplace cool and have a beverage...
As I mentioned before breweries are now all over the place and they are usually dog-welcoming. And they also serve non-alcoholic beverages. So we visited several.
First... Fullsteam ahead...
I was trying to get shots of the architecture and the scene downtown as we drove through
I kind of like the way I captured the picture in the mirror and the building behind.
Pink penguins in the window..?
Our next stop...
Fullsteam Brewery
We had a couple of beverages but decided to go around the corner to Geer Street Garden for food.
We had excellent food. They were so accommodating to us and our pups. It was delightful.
They gave Miss Awbri her own water bowl.
And that's the end of our first day in Durham.
Tomorrow ~
The Bull City and it's all about tobacco.